The first thing I am certain of is that life is crazy confusing sometimes. There are many "unknowns" , "wait it outs" and "hang in there's" .
But I know that even in life's uncertainties, there are always, always some certainties.
Is certainties even a word?
Probably not.
Oh well.
There they are...right there where they should be, in a sea of uncertainties...looking at you with big, wanting eyes just begging you to hold out in hope.
There's always this waiting out the uncertain moments..wading through the flood waters, wondering when your help will arrive. You know that your location is are not destitute by any means (though it can feel it at times). Your need is known...because, let's be have made. it. known. Now you wait...latching on to the promise to come, knowing that God will come. He will provide. That's all there is to it. Of that I can be certain. I hold that truth.
Swift. No, not T.Swift. Swift. The adjective meaning promptly; suddenly. That's how God rolls.
I am also certain of that.
Twice, maybe even three times now that I think of it, in the past week this has been brought to my attention. And by completely random people, unconnected to one another. That God does not act slowly, but swiftly and suddenly. How true is that? You wait, for what feels like an eternity...and then when you least expect it...BAM...done.
But the truth is, God was working all along. You felt like you were waiting forever for an answer...when really God acted swiftly, you just don't see it until it's finished.
It's like a surprise party for YOU! You think it just happened, all of a sudden your friends and family are all there shouting your name and "Happy Birthday!!" And there's cake (or ice cream if you're me) and presents, and laughter, joy, and crazy amounts of love coming your way. But truthfully...that party has been in the works for a long time, months even. All because they knew your birthday was coming, and they wanted to make you feel the joy and magnitude of their love for you. So much so that it would shock you...
His love is like that. He comes to your rescue, and He NEVER under-delivers.
Of that you can be certain.
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