I used to envy the friends that had grown up in the same neighborhood, same church all of their lives. They didn't have to start over with friendships with every new city, every new church. When I was young I used to tell people that I loved it because it taught me to be outgoing, but longed for the life-time friendships that were not happening in each new place.
Now I am the one that has been in this city for nearly 10 years and some of my dearest friends have moved away or will soon. However this time I am not worried about losing their friendships. God is so strategic...so purposeful. Each place that I have been, the friendships that I made taught me something.And I am learning that the people God needs in my life, are here. No distance will change that. Two friends that I count very dear to my heart are the two that I have known that longest. We have not physically lived in the same city since second grade, and yet here they are. I just think that is amazing.
Proof that friendships from God are sticking around! So, as my dear friend Christina is headed out to her new adventure, I shall miss seeing your face, but am ever grateful for your friendship and can't wait to see what God does!
Here are some snaps of Christina and I at her going away party...please ignore the grossly messy hair on my part. :)