Thursday, July 26, 2012

A C I D denim

 This week I have been pondering Joy and its wonderful explosion of goodness in our lives. It is truly amazing what changes when you choose to have Joy...and yes I did say choose. Many people think that they cannot have joy unless their circumstances produce it/allow for it, but in Christ, we can have Joy whenever we choose. Having a joyous heart changes the way we see things, the way react to things, even the way we believe.
In Nehemiah 8 the people have just come out of Exile and are being read the Law. They are grieving and wailing because they don't understand. In verse 10 Nehemiah says to them, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
This verse stood out to me because in the midst of their confusion and frustration, they were a mess. They were likely hearing the same lies from the enemy that we all hear at times. Lies about being worthless, lies about being stupid for not understanding, lies about being cast out because you failed God...etc. But this verse holds the key. If we have God's joy, then why would we ever trade that in for the insecurity, fear, and defeat that Satan is offering? So, hold fast the Joy that only comes from God...let His Joy bring strength to you in whatever circumstance you find yourself.

Today's photos make me happy. One of my favorite pieces in my closet is this shredded denim vest by ACIDdenim. The designer of this fun and hip line of refashioned denim happens to be a very dear friend of mine. (She's pretty much amazing!) Although still young, Sarah is making her dreams happen. In addition to her own line, Sarah and her parents have an amazing little thrifty boutique...check it out! : L.E.A.Consignment & Boutique. Oh and she has a super fun Style Journal here.  :) 

White Sundress:  Thrifted        Vest:  ACID denim     Neon Belt:  Thrifted

Hope you all have a fabulous Thursday!


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